Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


The beautiful island of Mauritius in the early 10th century Arab explorer who discovered it named Dina Harobi. You do not need to imagine what it’s ending this action to preserve beauty in the years ahead. After Arabs, visited the island of Portuguese explorers in 1507 but later abandoned soon enough. After that it got its name after the name of Prince Maurice Maurice. He was the Prince of Nassau.

While enjoying diving in Bali, visitors can enjoy various other activities as well. One of them is to control, for the world under water. The plants and animals in the water incredibly beautiful, and nobody wants to miss it. While planning your stay in Bali to take a day or two to enjoy the underwater world. One of the other specialty Bali dolphins. If you want to enjoy watching dolphins, then you need to visit Lovina Beach. You can travel to rent at this beach by boat. Therefore, you can enjoy a boat trip along the bustling and dancing dolphins.